Saturday, September 29, 2007

Spirituality in an Eggshell

I was once told by an old wise woman that our spiritual walk is much like an Easter egg hunt. When she was a young mother she used to hide Easter eggs for her kids. When they were young, three or four years old, she used to hide them in obvious places. Maybe sitting there right on the carpet or on a coffee table in plain view. Gradually, as they got older, she began hidding them in less obvious places making it harder to find.

The analogy is that in the beginning of our walk with Christ, God makes it very easy to find Himself. Things just come easy in understanding Him. The Bible opens up to us. We find it so easy to pray. Eventually, as we mature, God begins to hide Himself and the things of Himself from us. The search is more difficult, we enter dry times with the Lord, we're tested, and find it more difficult to do the simple things of our spiritual youth but it teaches our hearts to seek after God and in the end we're rewarded with new insight, a closer relationship with Him, those sweet little Easter eggs are found.

This trip for me is the Easter egg hunt. Why I am going on this trip? To have a nice vacation? No, it's to seek the Lord and to give Him my heart. I've come to a place where God is calling me to find Him in another place. I heard His voice calling to me as soon as I found out about the lay-off. It was the voice calling, "Come find me, Child."

This last week has been amazing time spent with friends and family. I've had my last night line-dancing, had a couple of going-away parties with some of my closest friends and family, went to Disneyland today, and tomorrow I will have to say Good-bye to you all. Thank you once again for all your support and prayers. May God richly bless you, may His face shine upon you, and may your heart always seek Him.

And as for You, Lord...

Ready or not here I come!

Friday, September 14, 2007


A few days ago I received my official acceptance to YWAM. I'm continuing to prepare for my trip with prayer.

After connecting with two temp agencies and waiting for almost almost a month I have a temp job. I'm working at a local insurance company in Mission Viejo. I learned an important lesson though during that time.

I was so adamant about getting a job. I wanted to feel like I was doing everything to support my trip. A friend of mine though pointed out that God might not want me to have a job yet. It may be that He wanted me to use this time to prepare me. I knew if He wanted me to have a job He could provide me one. I surrendered this to God in prayer and He answered. About a week after that my temp agency told me they had a job for me.

Turned out that it was about a couple of miles away from my Nana. We have lunch together everyday. I believe God wanted me to have this particular job because it was close to where she lives and He knew I would miss her.

God has really blessed me through so many people. I've received so much support and just wanted to say "Thank you!" once again to those of who are praying for me and who have supported my trip financially.

Two more weeks...Almost there!