Sunday, October 14, 2007

Some thoughts about my first week...

This has been an amazing first week. God has already been moving in the lives of the people here. Our first week lectures were on the character of God. We talked about God's attributes, His love, His wisdom, His faithfulness, His righteousness, justice, and faithfullness.

But already our base has experienced some spiritual warfare. One of the girls that is here had experienced a demonic attack. Whatever it was, came in the middle of the night and held her down and began to choke her. She couldn't move, couldn't speak, but at last she spoke in her mind the name of Jesus Christ and the demon fled.

One of my room mates also had an experience in which he approached three aboriginal men. One of them came close looked at him and suddenly his whole face changed. He grabbed my room mates' cross necklace and held it. My friend was about to fight him to get it back and the strange man gave it back but then grabbed it again. My room mate said that he could see in the man's eyes an un-human presence. It was a strange and frightening experience for my room mate who is used to settling disputes and fights physically. He knew after meeting the possessed man, it had been the first time he couldn't confront a situation like that with his fists. Spiriutal warfare for the first time became a reality to him.

The first week, we all have been busy with our creative journals. These journals help us really think over what we're learning here. We've also made a trip to Serpent Falls this Saturday which is an extremely beautiful waterfall with a large pool beneath that you can swim in.

As part of our discipleship here we all have certain chores and duties everyday. There are "family chores" which begin around 8am that are simple house-cleaning things we do. Then, during the later part of the day we all have about 2 hours of duties like dish cleaning, lunch/dinner prep, data entry, answering phones, etc. My particular responsibility is keeping the cool room, the bases' refrigerator in order. That means taking all the food supplies we get each week and arranging them so they're not only are they organized but they are in order of when they'll be used.

A prayer request this week is for better health. Almost all of us on the base have colds that we're going through. I had a sore threat a couple of days ago. I'm doing fine but I could be doing better. Thanks everyone for keeping tabs on me. Talk to you next week.


Unknown said...

Oh Jeremy! What an awesome experience for you to do God's work! We are all so proud of you and will continue to pray for your safety and protection! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!

peg. said...

Hi Jeremy,

Your mom's Awaken group is praying for you. God surely is preparing you for something big.